
The teams that have registered must tackle the problem statement(s) provided by the event organizers. They are required to develop and simulate the program addressing this problem using MATLAB. Participants may incorporate functions from File Exchange entries, select MathWorks toolboxes, and utilize publicly developed and openly licensed APIs and SDKs for their project.

Event Details

Judging criteria

Judging criteria will include, at the discretion of the organizing partner and judging team:

  • Fulfillment of coding challenge criteria

  • Technical merit

  • Degree of innovation and originality

  • Creative value

  • Execution and cleanliness of the code

  • Event Rules


  • All work on a project should be done during the Hackathon.Your code repository must be initialized at the beginning of the Hackathon itself.

  • Teams must stop hacking once the time is up. However, teams can debug and make minor fixes to their programs after time is up.

  • All projects submissions will be randomly code-reviewed. Applications will be spot checked by code reviewers. All the projects selected by the judges as finalists will be code reviewed to confirm that the code is original work created at the hackathon and all components and assets conform to the licenses allowed in these rules.

  • When development ends at least one member from each team will meet with the judging team for a brief review of their submission and to confirm that the team’s project has been correctly updated.

  • Teams can be disqualified from the competition at the organizers’ discretion. Reasons might include but are not limited to breaking the Competition Rules, the Code of Conduct, or other unsporting behaviour.

  • Team Size:


    Registration Fee:

    ₹100 per head


    BS lab
    4th floor
    OPAL Block

    Faculty Coordinators:

  • Dr. V. Santhosh Kumar
    Cell: 9618106080

  • Dr. V. Hindumathi
    Cell: 9866676690

  • Student Coordinators:

  • Ms. Sehaba Banu Shaik
    Cell: 8978545511

  • Ms. P Umamaheshwari
    Cell: 9701513291

  • Scan the QR for payment

    QR Code for payment


    10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    3 Hours

    Register Now!