
Research Projects

Project Name: GAIT Revive

Funding Agency:

Amount: Rs. Faculty: Mr R Priyakanth, Mr N M Sai Krishna

Project Name: Suraksha – Safety Device for Workers in Mining Industry

Funding Agency: MSME

Amount: Rs. 15, 00,000

Faculty: Mr R Priyakanth, Mr N M Sai Krishna and Ms. Y Grahya

Project Name: i-Sprayer

Funding Agency: TiHAN, IIT Hyderabad

Amount: Rs. 3, 00,000

Faculty: Mr R Priyakanth, Mr N M Sai Krishna and Ms. M Jagruthi

Project Name: Smart Guardian for Safe Driving

Funding Agency: BUILD Program – Greenko and IIT Hyderabad Technology Incubation Center

Amount: Rs. 1, 00,000

Funding Agency: TiHAN, IIT Hyderabad

Amount: Rs. 10, 00,000

Faculty: Prof. R S Murali Nath, Ms. Seetha Swapnika  B, Ms. Manasa Ch, Ms. Satya Priyanka M

Project Name: Silent Speak

Funding Agency: BUILD Program – Greenko and IIT Hyderabad Technology Incubation Center

Amount: Rs. 1, 00,000

Faculty: Prof. R S Murali Nath, Ms. Sai Sindhu K, Ms. Nikitha B, Ms. Mehnaaz,

Title  of the Project – Precision Agriculture( File No-AI4E-2262-R5G9-21100412)
PI – Dr. KVN Sunitha,
Co-PI- Dr. Aruna Rao SL,
Dr. J Naga Vishnu Vardhan

Department : IT,CSE,ECE

Amount- 10,000 USD Azure credits
Scheme- Microsoft Azure AI for Earth

Title of the project :A Feasibility Study and Hardware Framework for Photoplethsymogram based Non-Invasive Blood Parameter Monitoring System using Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Techniques (File No. SRG/2019/002299)

PI: Dr. R. Swathi Reddy
Year: 2019-2020
Department : ECE
Amount: 18,30,400/-
Scheme: SRG-DST

Title of the project : Synthesis of Graphene from Agricultural waste as Green Substitute and its application in Remediation of Heavy metals in waste water. (File No. JNTUH/TEQIP-III/CRS/2019/Chemistry/06)

PI: Dr.V.Madhavi
Year: 2019-2020
Department: BS & H
Amount: 2,50,000/- (Sanctioned)

Title of the project : Pre- Clinical Investigation and design of real time fetal monitoring device using non-invasive method. (File No. JNTUH/TEQIP-III/CRS/2019/ECE/06)

PI: Ms. Radha Abburi
Co-PI:Dr. M. Asha Rani, JNTUH
Year: 2019-2020
Department: ECE
Amount: 2,99,600/- (On-Going)

Title of the Project: Characterization of Plydrop phenomena in FRP Composites Application (File No. JNTUH/TEQIP-III/CRS/2019/MECH/04)

Name of the Faculty: Ms.A.Ramya
Year: 2019-2020
Department: BS & H
Amount: 2,90,000/- (Sanctioned)

Title of the project : Remote Diagnosis system for Assisted living using IOT for Rural areas SEED/TIDE/2018/39
PI: Dr. Mr.R. Guruswamy
CO PI-I : Dr.Ch. Sunil Kumar
CO PI – II: Mr.Ch. Santosh Kumar
Year: 2018-2021
Dept: EEE

Title of the project : Demonstration of MW scale solar energy integration in weak grid using distributed energy storage architecture(D-SIDES) DST/CERI/MI/SG/2017/057
PI: Dr. Ch.Sunil Kumar
CO PI : Dr.V.Rajeswari
Year: 2018-2021
Dept: EEE
Amount : Rs. 33,03,600/-

Title of the project : Entrepreneurship awareness camp (EAC) EDII/DST-NIMAT/18-19/EAC-27
PI: Dr. K V N Sunitha
CO PI-I : Dr.J.Naga Vishnu Vardhan
CO PI – II: Dr Anwar Pasha
Year: 2018-2019
Amount: Rs. 40,000/- (Completed)

Title of the project : Automatic Road Extraction from Satellite Imagery NRSC/PPEG/11/2018
PI: Dr KVN Sunitha
CO PI-I : Mr. L Naveen Kumar
CO PI – II: Mr. Ch. Anil Kumar
Year: 2018-2019
Scheme: NRSC

Title of the project : A framework for scenic interpretation of crowd-sourced geo-tagged photographs based on image analysis and deep learning model NRSC/PPEG/11/2018
PI: Mr. L Naveen Kumar
CO PI-I : Dr KVN Sunitha
CO PI – II: Mr. Ch. Anil Kumar
Year: 2018-2019
Scheme: NRSC

Title of the project : Analysis of career path of women engineers in India DST/NSTMIS/05/233/2016-17
PI: Dr.P.Anuradha
CO PI – I : Dr. K V N Sunitha
CO PI-II : Dr. T. Roja Rani
Year: 2017-2020
Dept: BS & H & CSE
Amount : Rs. 27,32,400/-

Title of the project : Medicine recognition system and alerting device for Geriatrics SEED/TIDE/043/2013PI
PI: Dr. K V N Sunitha
CO PI-I : Dr.J.Naga Vishnu Vardhan
CO PI-II :Ms. S.L. Aruna Rao
Year: 2015-18 (Sent request for extension of one year more)
Dept: CSE ECE & IT
Amount : Rs.38,57,488/-

Title of the project: Text to Speech System for Telugu Language (File no:1-14/2011-02 dated 29/3/2011)

Name of the Faculty: Dr.K.V.N.Sunitha
Year: 2010-2011
Department: CSE
Amount: 20,000/-(Completed)
Scheme: CSI for R&D