Dr. Aruna Rao S L
Head of Department
Ph.D Computer Science and Engineering – JNTUH, Hyderabad
M.Tech Network & Internet Engineering– VTU, Belgaum
B.E Information Science and Engineering – BU, Bangalore
Academic Experience: 18 years
AICTE ID: 1-2186308499
JNTUH ID: 2793-150410-105925
Field of Specialization: Computer Networks, Network Security, Internet of Things.
Dr. Aruna Rao S.L. received the “Best HoD of the Year 2024” award at the Industry Academic Conference and Academia Awards 2024, organized by the Computer Society of India, Mumbai Chapter, on August 30-31, 2024
Sponsored R&D Funded Projects
- Received a grant of 10,000USD azure credits from AI for Earth – Microsoft in October 2021 Title:” Precision Agriculture” (File No: AI4E-2262-R5G9-21100412)
- Received a research grant of 38.5 lakhs from DST TIDE project in March 2013 for three years. Title:” Medicine Recognition System and Alerting Device for Geriatrics and Visually Challenged” (File No: SEED/TIDE/043/2013(G) dated 12/08/2015)
International / National Journals
- Subetha, Kayal Padmanandam, L. Lakshmi, S.L. Aruna Rao, published a paper titled “Applied-behavioural analysis therapy for autism spectrum disorder students through virtual reality” International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics , DOI: 10.1504/IJCVR.2022.10051122, Dec 2022, https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijcvr (SCOPUS /WOS)
- P S Latha Kalyampudi,Dr P Venka Krishna, Aruna Rao S. L., S Rama Devi, published a paper titled “Predictive Resource Demand Based Load Balancing Strategy for Fog Computing”
Design Engineering, Pages: 7181-7191, Vol 2021: Issue 08 , ISSN: 0011-9342, http://www.thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/article/view/5727 (SCOPUS)
- Aruna Rao S.L.,M Shanmukhi published a paper titled “Exploring the Wireless Network Energy Conserving Mechanisms for Internet of Things” PENSEE Journal , Vol 51, Pages: 413-427 , May 2021, ISSN: 0031-4773
- Meenakshi Bhrugubanda, Aruna Rao S.L., M Shanmukhi, Annaluri Sreenivasa Rao, published a paper titled “Sustainable and Intelligent IoT Based Precision Agriculture – Smart Farming”, International Journal of Solid State Technology, Volume: 63, Issue 6, Pages: 17824-17833, http://solidstatetechnology.us/index.php/JSST/article/view/7839, ISSN: 0038-111X (SCOPUS)
- Dr M Shanmukhi, Aruna Rao S.L., Ms Nazia Tabassum, Kuruva Harinath published a paper titled “NRPCAN : A Novel Routing Protocol for Cognitive Ad-Hoc Networks” , in Journal of Critical Reviews (JCR. 2020), Vol.7, Issue.15, Pages1589-1597, ISSN- 2394-5125 http://www.jcreview.com/index.php?iid=2020-7-15.000&&jid=197&lng=
- Aruna Rao S.L.,V.N. Sunitha published a paper titled “Trusted Secure Geographic Routing Protocol for Detecting Insider Attacks in MANET” in International Journal of Engineering Studies, ISSN 0975-6469 Volume 8, Number 2 (2016), pp. 187-197.
- Aruna Rao S.L, K.V.N.Sunitha published a paper titled “Secure Geographical routing in MANET using the Adaptive Position Update” in International Journal of Advanced Computer Research Volume-4 Number-3 Issue-16 September-2014, Pages:785-794, (ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970)
International Conferences
- Aruna Rao S L, B Srinivasulu published a paper titled “Performance Analysis of Various Machine Learning based Algorithms on Cybersecurity Approaches”, in In-ternational Conference on Expert Clouds and Applications (ICOECA 2023) , 9-10, February 2023, Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ISSN: 2367-3370 https://www.springer.com/series/15179 ( SCOPUS yet to be published online)
- Rama Devi S, Subetha T, Aruna Rao S.L, Mahesh Kumar M, published a paper ti-tled “Enhanced Learning Outcomes by Interactive Video Content – H5P in Moodle LMS“ in 6th International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2022), Year: January 2022 Pages: 161-175 , DOI: , Springer – Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, ISSN: 2367-3370, (SCOPUS)
- Aruna Rao S.L, K.V.N.Sunitha published a paper titled “Position Verification Technique for Secure Geographical Routing in MANET “ in Thirteenth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN) Year: 2016 Pages: 1 – 12, DOI: 10.1109/ WOCN. 2016.7759889 , IEEE Conference Publi-cations, ISSN: 2151-7703, (SCOPUS)
- Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display Device with Inbuilt Hand Tracking Technology, Application No: 202141011513, Published on:26-03-2021
- A Portable Medicine Identification and Alerting System for Visually Challenged People and Geriatrics, Application No : 202141011491, Published on: 26/03/2021
- Smart Classroom Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display Device for Visual-Spatial Learners, Application no: 202041052429, Publication Date: 02/12/2020
- IAEC – System: Intelligent IoT System for Agriculture Environment Control, Application No.202041010147 A, Publication Date: 13/03/2020
- HPML – Control: High-Speed Train Speed Predictive Control Using Anfis Modelling and Machine Learning
Books Published
Published a book titled “NETWORK SECURITY”, ISBN-13: 979-8671985436, Independently published on 3rd August 2020
Book Chapter Published
- Aruna Rao S.L, K.V.N.Sunitha published a chapter titled “Secure Geographical Routing with an efficient Location verification mechanism” in book titled “Innovations in Computer Science & Engineering”, Springer LNS Series, ISBN: 978-981-10-3817-4, July 2016.
- Aruna Rao S.L, P.S.Latha Kalyampudi, Suguna Kumari D, Aruna Jyothi A and Srinivasulu B, published a paper titled “Implementing of Digitalization in square Block Chain Technology using HDS Methodologies” in 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication ICICC-2022, https://link.springer.com/book/9789819915873 ( August 2023yet to be published online)
Boad Member / Reviewer / Editor
- Member of Board of studies of B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering in Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology from June 2020 for 3 Years.
- Reviewer for International Conference on “Computational Intelligence and Network Security
Invited Talks
- Presented a talk on” A Tough Transition from two different worlds” in Campus to Corporate track at GHCI 2016
- Guest lecture for I Year II semester MTech-CNIS , VNRVJIET , Hyderabad on the topic “Routing Algorithms in MANETs”under TEQIP
Recognitions & Awards
- Received “Jyeshta Acharya “ Bharath Education Excellence Awards 05th September 2020
- Received “Uthama Acharya Puraskar”, a national award for Impact Creators in Engineering Education in commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary Clebrations of Mahatma Gandhi in association with iTAP, IT, Lions Club, Takshasila – IAS Academy, Impact Foundation, Indian Servers on 02nd October 2019
- Recognized as Mentor for Smart India Hackathon – 2017 conducted by Ministry of HRD, Department of Rural Development, of India, World’sBiggest digital movement on April 1st and 2nd, 2017, for the project titled Anuity Detector for NSAP, Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme.
- Recognized as Mentor for JNTUH Excite-2015 Summer Product Engineering workshop conducted by JNTUH in collaboration with TASK & HYSEA for the project titled” Community Kompass” an Android Application and wasgranted a seed amount of
FDP’s Conducted
- A one week FDP on “Data Science & Big Data Analytics” held from 06th March to 11th March 2017 organized in BVRIT Hyderabad College of Engineering for women in collaboration with NIT
- One Week Faculty Development Program on “Machine Learning Fundamentals “organized by BVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women in association with Institutions Innovation Council , Tech Blitz and Departments of CSE (AI&ML), CSE & IT from 30th August 2021 to 04th September 2021
- One Week Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence” Department of CSE & IT in association with NYCI & Brain O Vision Solutions India Pvt. Ltd, BVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women, Hyderabad, from 22nd May to 26th May ,2020.
- One week workshop on “ Android Mobile Application Development” for III year Students.
- Two week workshop on “Cross Platform Mobile Application Development” from 26th Dec-30th Dec2014, 20th Feb-22nd Feb 2015 for II year Students .
- One Day Workshop on “Data Structures and Algorithms behind Social Networks” on 10th Jan 2015 by Being Zero for IIIyear Students.
- Five day workshop conducted on “Cross Platform Mobile Application Development” by EduKonnect from 24th Nov’2015 to 28th Nov’2015 for 2nd Yr students.
- Two Day workshop (21st Feb to 22nd Feb’14) on “Android Application Development, orgranized by Deparment of IT, BVRIT Hyderabad.
FDP’s Attended
- “Indo-US Workshiop on Artificial Intelligence & Data Science -2023” organized by Mahindra University, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering on 17th March 2023
- One Week Faculty Development Program on “Machine Learning Fundamentals “organized by BVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women in association with Institutions Innovation Council , Tech Blitz and Departments of CSE (AI&ML), CSE & IT from 30th August 2021 to 04th September 2021
- 40 Hour Online FDP on “ Deep Learning and AI Applications” Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) GoI, organized by E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal and G Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science (for Women), during 28th August to 7th September 2021
- One Week Faculty Development Program on Artificial Intelligence Organised by Department of Electrical Engineering BANSAL INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, Lucknow (U.P.) India from 19th July to 25th July 2021
- one week AICTE sponsored STTP on “Recent Trends in IoT “ from 14th December 2020 to 19th December 2020 organized by Anurag Engineering College, Hyderabad
- Fifteen days Online FDP on “cyber security” from 24th August 2020 to 09th September2020 organized by JNTUH Hyderabad
- Five Day FDP on “Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning” organized by CMR Technical Campus in association with AI Center of Excellence partnered with Blackbuck Engineers from 18th May to 22nd May ,2020.
- Five Day FDP on “Data Analytics” organized byai, a nationwide initiative by Bennet University, from 13th May to 17th May ,2020.
- Five Day FDP on “ Latex” organized bySanjay Ghodawat Univerisity, Kolhapur, in association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay, from 27th April to 2nd May ,2020.
- Five Day FDP on “Cyber security attacks & Defense” organized byIndian Servers, from 18th April to 20th April ,2020.
- Three Day Workshop on “ NAAC’s New Frame Work for Accreditation and Assessment of HEI Opportunities and Challenges NAAC” organized by Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad, from 19th September to 21st September ,2019
- Three Day FDP on “ Professional Etiquette & Emotional Intelligence” organized byDepartment of Basic Sciences & Humanities at BVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women, Hyderabad, from 8th July to 10th July ,2019.
- One Day workshop on “Block Chain Technologies”, organized by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Hyderabad in association with Ministry of Electronicsand Information Technology (MeitY) and JNTUH on 22ndJune
- Two Day Symposium on Computer Systems “Indosys 2018”, held at IIT Hyderabad, Kandi, on September 08-09, 2018.
- A one week FDP on “Security,Privacy,Challenges and Opportunities with current tools and Techniques: A Research Perspective “ from 25th June 2018 to 05th July 2018 at Narasimha Reddy Engineering College
- A Guest Lecture on Artificial Intelligence byD.K. Subramaniam on 4thApril 2018 at VEDIC
- A three day workshop on “Inspire – Impact – Introspect – Leadership Program” from 12th October 2017 to 14thOctober 2017 at VEDIC
- A One day workshop on “C PROGRAMMING COLLOQUIUM” from 10thJune 2017 at VEDIC
- A one week FDP on “Programming with Ruby” from 29thJune 2017 to 4thJuly 2017 2017 at BVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women in association with IITB, Spoken Tutorial
- A one week FDP on “Python, Scilab, Drupal” from 04thNov 2016 to 10thNov 2016 BVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women in association with IITB, Spoken Tutorial
- A three day workshop on “Learning and Leading ” on 22nd to 24th September 2016 at VEDIC
- A one day workshop on “ART OF WRITING RESEARCH PROJECT ” on 7th June 2016 at VEDIC
- Awareness workshop on “Outcome Based Education and Accreditation” on 14th September 2015 at JNTU Hyderabad under TEQIPP-II, JNTUHCEH
- A two day workshop on “Big Data and Data Analytics” held from 12th-13th September
2014 held under IEEE at BVRIT Hyderabad College of Engineering for women, Hyderabad.
- Completed “Getting Started with Deep Learning” NVDIA DLI Certificate on 19th July 2022
- Completed course on “Block Chain Essentials” Cognitive Class AI, 11th April 2020
- Completed course on “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)” University of Michigan, Coursera on 05th Jan 2020
- Completed course on “Getting Started with Azure DevOps Boards” by Coursera Project Network on 28th Jan 2022
- Completed 4 weeks of 2nd Edition of The Hague India Cyber Security Summer School 2019
- Completed Cambridge Advanced English Certification in March 2019
- Completed training & Certification on “Java Fundamentals” in March 2017 from Oracle Academy in collaboration with TASK.
- Completed training &certification on “Latex” in September 2016, from Spoken Tutorial from IIT