Internal Complaints Committee
Grievance Redressal Committee
S. No Name of the Member Role 1 Dr. K V N Sunitha Chairman 2 Dr. K Rama Mohan Reddy Applied Authority 3 Dr. A Jaya Laxmi Member 4…
Anti-Ragging Committee
S. NoName of the memberDepartmentRole1Dr. K. V. N. SunithaPrincipalChairperson2Dr. Ch. Sunil KumarEEEMember3Dr. B. Srinivasa RaoEEEMember3Dr. Anwar Bhasha PattanECEMember4Dr. J. Naga Vishnu VardhanECEMember5Dr. R. Suneetha RaniCSEMember6Dr. S. L. Aruna RaoITMember7Dr. M.…
The details of the ombudsperson nominated by the university Name of the memberDesignationE mailDr. R SAYANNAFormer Vice Chancellor, Kakatiya University, Warangal & Former Professor & Head, Department of Physics, Osmania…
Sexual Harassment Committee
S.No. Name Designation 1 Dr. K.V.N Sunitha, Principal Chairman 2 Dr. Ch. Sunil Kumar, Vice Principal Convener 3 Dr. M. Anita, HOD - BSH Member 4 Mrs. M Praveena (Associate…
SC and ST Committee
S.No.Name of the MemberCategory1.Ms. D Swapna, Associate Professor, CSESC2.Mr. Ch Anil Kumar, Assistant Professor, ITSC3.Ms. Bolle Madhavi, 21WH1A0441SC4.Ms. Gugloth Shivani, 21WH1A6635ST SC-ST Committee
Disciplinary Committee
Name of the MemberDepartmentRole in the CommitteeDr. K V N SunithaPrincipalChairpersonDr. Ch Sunil KumarEEECo-ordinatorDr. Anwar Bhasha PattanECEMemberMr. R S MuralinathCSEMemberMs. S L Aruna RaoITMemberDr. J Manoj KumarBS&HMember