Women Safety Club

RAKSHANA: Your Shield - Women's Safety Cell RAKSHANA - Your Shield is the Women's Safety Cell at BVRIT HYDERABAD, dedicatedtoensuring the safety, security, and well-being of female students, faculty, andstaff.…

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It is said that nature is the best teacher. It teaches us survival of the fittest and nourishes us in all aspects. nature has endowed us with incredible assets like,…

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Literary Club

A literary club is a vibrant hub of creativity and intellectual growth, offering a unique platform for students to explore and enhance their literary talents. BVRIT HYDERABAD Literary Club provides…

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Rotaract Club

The "Rotaract Club of BVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women" does social service. The Rotaract Club exchanges ideas with leaders in the community, develops leadership and professional skills, and…

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NSS Club

THE MOTTO The motto of  National  Service Scheme is "NOT ME BUT YOU". This expresses the essence of democratic living and up holds the need for selfless service and appreciation…

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TECHBLITZ TechBlitz is the vibrant technical association formed with the amalgamation of the departments of CSE & IT. It was established in the year 2013. It started with both student…

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Technical Association of ECE Department was inaugurated on 24th September 2013 jointly by  Dr. KVN Sunitha, Principal, BVRIT Hyderabad and Prof. N. Mangala Gouri, ECE, JNTUH. All Students of II, III…

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DEEPTHA– the Technical Association of EEE department established on 20th March 2014 aims to encourage the Students to showcase their extra- curricular interests and gives an opportunity to exhibit their all-round…

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