TechBlitz is the vibrant technical association formed with the amalgamation of the departments of CSE & IT. It was established in the year 2013. It started with both student and faculty members with strength of 125.
The association helps the students enrich and mold their lives by hosting both technical and social events. The technical events include but are not limited to group discussions, technical demos, seminars, industry workshops, programming and gaming contests.
The social events include conducting workshops and weekend classes for school students, Fresher’s welcome, farewells and many more scintillating events which students look forward to.

Computer Society of India (CSI)
Computer Society of India (CSI) was inaugurated with No M-10017 in the year 2018. All students of all branches are members of CSI.

IEEE Student Branch
IEEE SB, BVRITH got approval on 15th May 2014 (Branch Code: STB15591) and was inaugurated on 12th September 2014 with Twelve Student Members.

ISTE Student Branch
ISTE Students Chapter was inaugurated with No AP-175 and ISTE Institutional Membership – IM2278 in the year 2013. All students of all branches are members of ISTE Student Branch.