post graduate

Computer Science and Engineering



The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at BVRITH started in 2012 with M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering started in 2024 with an intake of 12. The Department has state-of-the-art infrastructure and computing equipment supported by high-speed internet and wireless networks.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is renowned for cutting-edge research and for imparting state-of-the-art education. The Department provides an outstanding research environment complemented by excellence in teaching. Our faculty with rich teaching and research experience aims at delivering top-class education. It also promotes active industry-institute collaboration by identifying areas of interest and participating in sponsored research projects and consultancy services.


The major research areas include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Cloud and fog Computing, IoT, Cyber Security, Deep Learning, Image Processing, Information Security, Networks, Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality/Mixed Reality, Blockchain Technology, Parallel processing, and Human-Computer Interaction.


  • State-of-the-art advanced technologies laboratories
  • Consistent record in student placements
  • Well paid students-internships
  • Outstanding academic results
  • National level awards, rewards and recognitions in coding competitions and project exhibitions
  • Funded projects and refresher courses
  • Quality student projects
  • Highly qualified and ratified faculty members
  • Industry 4.0 ready curriculum
  • The huge prospect of higher education in India and abroad in trending areas
  • Quality research
  • Renowned Faculty
  • Center of Excellence with corporates
  • Executive Certificate Programmes
  • Industry Relevant Curriculum
  • Industry-Academia Connect
job opportunities

What will you do after education!

  • Data Scientist,
  • Data Analyst,
  • Data Engineer,
  • Machine Learning Engineer
tools exposed

Where are the opportunities

  • Python Data Science Tool Box,
  • Scikit Learn,
  • Pandas,
  • Pyspark,
  • Keras/Tensor Flow
top skills

What you may target to become!

  • Python Data Science stack,
  • Data Visualization,
  • Statistical Inference,
  • Machine Learning,
  • Natural Language Processing,
  • Web Programming, Networking & Cyber Security