Cope: What is it?
A community dedicated to improving the mental health of today’s youngsters.
A student-led initiative raises awareness about mental health issues while also having a beneficial
influence on young people.
Mental Health – what is it?
The capacity to overcome obstacles that need attitude and EQ
Vision: A stigma-free world
Mission: raising awareness, promoting hostile mental health, and enhancing the lives of foster
COPE’s goals are to:
• Increase awareness of mental health concerns
• DE stigmatize mental health and conversation
• Encourage asking for assistance
• Close the distance between students and resources for mental health a few details 15-20% of people have anxiety disorders Suicide rate 8.7% Academic stress levels: 38.4%
This program includes:
- Introductory Session on Counselling and Outreach for Peer
Empowerment (COPE) - Counselling and outreach for peer empowerment (COPE) was conducted under ABET (Adithya Birla Educational Truest)
- Spotlight Saga – “The Perks of Being a Wallflower
- Gratitude Wall
Consequences of poor mental health:
Decreased academic performance
a decline in school attendance
Unfavourable campus environment Hindered interpersonal communication
increased need for health services
How it affects students:
missing opportunities for growth
poor self-confidence and self-esteem untreated medical conditions
long-term adverse effects
How can we working together, make a difference?
Become a mental health champion; chances to make a difference; accreditation as a helping network
What MPOWER offers the college?
Includes webinars, workshops, and one-on-one assistance. Youth Mental Health First Aid Course
What does MPOWER anticipate from the university?
Games, quizzes, and open microphones
sessions of mindfulness workshops in dance and art therapy blogs, newsletters, and articles
The purpose and responsibilities of students are to raise awareness and connect them to a non judgmental, emphatic, good path. Mental health support and mental health champion Lead by a Student coordinator, calendar activities newspaper Instagram story, Instagram page
Important points:
4 activities each year; 1 meeting per month

Faculty Coordinators
1. Dr. Chava Sunil Kumar
Professor, Vice Principal
Dept. of EEE
2. Dr. K. Kavitha
Associate Professor
Dept. of BS&H